Wednesday, June 30, 2010

not a F.O.

Month 5 of the Civil War Tribute block of the month. I am very upset that the (silly) company only sent 9 inches of the dark brown print to complete 4 12 inch blocks...seriously not nearly enough. I am quite sure it was an error. So, I modified the pattern just a little to reduce the number of half square triangles, making flying geese units instead. This helped stretch the fabric, but I still have to run to B and B quilting tomorrow to get the extra fabric needed to get the other 2 blocks done. This Block of the month is turning out to be a very beautiful quilt. It does have a few areas where I would change the way I put a block together, but over-all it is stunning in appearance. Looking forward to month 6...


Rhonda said...

Oh Monica, that block is fabulous. Love it!!! You need to keep notes about your experience doing the BOM and share it with the maker of the project....I think they'd appreciate it insight and feedback.....just a thought!!!

Denise said...

Dear Monica, thanks for your kind comment!
I love this block and all civil war fabrics, probably my next quilt :) Unfortunately is had for me follow a BOM, shipping are much expensive s will follow You!
Hugs, Denise