Monday, September 22, 2008
My ABC's
- A. Attached or Single? attached
- B. Best Friend? My sister, JoAnn
- C. Cake or pie? You mean which one would I eat first? Pie (Pumpkin)
- D. Day of choice? Mother's Day
- E. Essential item? Carmex or Cherry Chap-stick
- F. Favorite color? Yellow...and believe it or not I am not a fan of purple! Shocking!
- G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy a prior post.
- H. Hometown? I don't really have one, but if I had to pick...Sherwood, North Dakota
- I. Favorite indulgence? Retreats at The Compass Centre (
- J. January or July? July in North Dakota and January in Texas!
- K. Kids? Well, O.K., but two more and that's it. (one daughter-12yrs, one son-2yrs)
- L. Life isn’t complete without? my friends, my family, my husband, and coffee.
- M. Marriage date? No, my husband won't let me.
- N. Number of brothers and sisters? Three brothers and Three sisters (I am the oldest)
- O. Oranges or Apples? Apples, unless we are talking about those chocolate orange balls that you whack against the table then cram into your mouth like a squirrel on a 10 day starve.
- P. Phobias? Cockroaches, June bugs, pretty much anything that could land on my face or head and make me do the icky-bug-seizure. give me a snake or rat any day.
- Q. Quotes? "Blessings are like buttons; people seldom notice them until one is missing." This is how I got the name for my blog.
- R. Reasons to smile? "Were going out for dinner, Honey"
- S. Season of choice? I know this is supposed to be a time of the year but I really have to say Cinnamon.
- T. Tag 5 people: I never tag any one...I never like to pressure anyone except my husband.
- U. Unknown fact about me? I have a very strong American Indian background. (Oglala, Sioux) My Grandmothers cousin is Russell Means., you would never guess that because I am also half German-Russian so I am as white as fence primer.
- V. Vegetable? I would prefer to be called 'intelligence-challenged' what? oh...Sweet Potatoes.
- W. Worst habit? Biting my nails...I know, I know...Gross. But I don't smoke. and I don't drink more than a bottle of wine a day.
- X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Lets hope that I don't have to choose.
- Y. Your favorite food? French, Italian, German, Moroccan, and Chocolate.
- Z. Zodiac sign? an out-of-balance Libra...I am a walking oxymoron.
Wow, that was more fun than I have had in two whole hours! Now, I better start learning a thing or two about a few of you out there since I had to lay my heart and soul out there for everyone. Just remember...there is info. and there is TM info.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Nervous Twitch

Friday, September 19, 2008
Project of the Day
I am almost finished with the border that I have made for Kathleen, who is one of the famous and talented Wackies. The attached picture is only what the quilt looked like before I got it. Oh, and it is a EQ6 picture. I have added my border to the outside of this one. It is so nice to just throw a quilt into a computer. I have saved so much time and fabric by trying different designs and colors on my virtual design wall. My seam ripper gets some cool-down time too. The border should be completely done tonight (early tomorrow morning) or tomorrow evening. All I have to do is drink a pot of coffee...after cutting the coping border, and sew. Unfortunately, when I finish this one I will not be able to share pictures until Kathleen has seen it, since she reads my blog every now and again. Or I could really mess with her and put one of my EQ6 pictures up showing a border with clown or leprechaun skipping around with candy and pots of gold. O.K. Everybody reading this, don't tell her. I'm gonna do it.